What Foods Stain Dentures? A Guide To Denture Care

People who have missing one tooth or all their teeth may find that wearing dentures is the best solution. Dentures enable them to speak, eat, and smile confidently. However, dentures require proper care to maintain their appearance and functionality. One common issue that denture wearers face is food stains. Certain foods may stain dentures, making them look unappealing and discolored. 

In this article, we discuss what food stains dentures and how to prevent staining. Additionally, we will share some useful advice on keeping your dentures stain-free. 

Foods That Stain Dentures

Dentures are popular oral appliances for people who have lost their natural teeth. Denture wearers often encounter the issue of staining, which is considered one of the most frequent problems. Here is a list of what food stains dentures:

  • Over time, the chromogens in coffee and tea can stick to dentures and result in staining. 
  • The presence of tannins in red wine can cause staining on your dentures if you’re a frequent drinker. 
  • Drinks like grape or cranberry juice with heavy pigmentation can cause staining. 
  • Curry has pigments that may leave residues on the dentures and cause discoloration.
  • Tomato sauce has acidic properties that may stain dentures.
  • Berries like blueberries and blackberries contain pigmentations that can attach to dentures and cause discoloration.

How To Keep Your Dentures Stain-Free 

Anyone who wears dentures wants them clean and free from stains at all times. To maintain denture’s appearance and hygiene, here are some tips to follow: 

  • Brush your teeth and rinse your dentures every meal to remove any food particles that adhere to your dentures. 
  • Steer clear of food that can discolor teeth, such as coffee, tea, tomato sauce, and red wine. If you consume these foods, rinse your dentures immediately afterward. Brush them with a denture brush and denture cleaner.
  • Be careful when eating colorful foods,  like berries or beets. These foods can leave stains on dentures. Try cutting them into tiny pieces using a fork instead of a spoon.
  • Brush your dentures every day with a denture brush and denture cleaner. Soak dentures in a denture cleaner overnight. Doing so helps extract any stains that may have developed and keep your dentures clean and bright.

The Impact Of Denture Staining On Oral Health

Denture staining is a common problem that many denture wearers face. Several factors may cause the accumulation of stains on your dentures resulting in discoloration. While staining may seem like a cosmetic issue, it can significantly impact oral health if left untreated.

The build-up of bacteria and germs on a denture’s surface is a major cause of concern. These microorganisms can generate problems like bad breath, gum disease, and other oral health problems. Moreover, staining may also indicate plaque formation, which may cause tooth decay and loss. 

Denture staining is a challenge as these stains may not come off by regular brushing alone. Staining could lead to bacterial growth in the mouth and the development of plaque, further exacerbating oral health issues.

Moreover, denture staining can affect a person’s confidence and self-esteem. Discolored dentures can be embarrassing, and some individuals may avoid social situations or public speaking because of their stained dentures.

What Foods to Eat When You Have Dentures

While dentures can provide a new lease on life, they require special care and attention. Certain foods can be tough on dentures and cause discomfort. Here is a list of some of the foods to avoid when you wear dentures:

  • Soft fruits: Fruits like peaches, strawberries, and bananas are great options for individuals with dentures. They are easy to chew and won’t cause discomfort or pain.
  • Cooked vegetables: Cooked vegetables like peas, green beans, and carrots are also suitable for individuals with dentures. They are soft and easy to chew and won’t cause any damage to the dentures.
  • Soft meats: Chicken, turkey, and ground beef are all good options for people with dentures. They are smooth, easy to chew, and won’t cause discomfort or pain.
  • Pasta: Soft pasta like spaghetti and macaroni are good options for people with dentures. They are easy to chew and won’t cause any damage to the dentures.
  • Dairy products: Yogurts, puddings, and soft cheeses are all good options for people with dentures. They are soft and won’t cause any discomfort or pain.

The Importance Of Good Oral Hygiene In Preventing Denture Staining

Good oral hygiene prevents denture staining, which can occur when bacteria and other microorganisms gradually gather on the surface of the dentures. Neglecting denture cleaning can lead to both aesthetic and oral health problems. The accumulation of plaque on dentures causes staining and an unpleasant odor. To prevent these issues, denture wearers need to practice good oral hygiene and take measures to keep their dentures clean and attractive. 

Denture-wearers may prevent staining with proper maintenance. In addition to cleaning the dentures, it is equally important to clean the gums and other parts of the mouth using a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove bacteria and prevent plaque buildup.

Regular dental check-ups and professional cleaning are essential to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent denture staining. A dentist can identify oral health issues and provide treatment to prevent further damage. Furthermore, a dentist can recommend the best products and practices to maintain the cleanliness and appearance of the dentures.


Certain foods can cause stains on dentures, particularly those with highly pigmented colors, like coffee, red wine, berries, tea, soy sauce, and tomato sauce. Maintain good oral hygiene and clean dentures regularly to avoid staining and discoloration. If you’re experiencing staining on your dentures, visit your dentist regularly. For further information, please feel free to contact DentKits.