Who Is A Good Candidate For Immediate Dentures?

If you are having teeth removed at a future date, a clinician will typically make you what is known as an immediate denture. This type of denture gives you a new set of teeth after teeth extraction.

What are Immediate Dentures?

Immediate dentures, also called temporary dentures, are artificial teeth made in advance and inserted immediately after tooth extraction. Immediate dentures prevent tooth loss during healing, unlike traditional dentures, which are fitted weeks or months following tooth removal. They are custom-made to match your natural teeth until your permanent dentures are ready.

Who is a Good Candidate for Immediate Dentures?

  • Individuals with multiple tooth extractions: Immediate dentures are ideal for those who require the extraction of several or all of their teeth. They provide a functional and aesthetically pleasing solution during the healing process.
  • Aesthetics-conscious individuals: If you are concerned about the gaps, immediate dentures can help restore your smile immediately after extractions, boosting your confidence.
  • Individuals who want to avoid the embarrassment of toothlessness: Immediate dentures prevent the social and psychological discomfort that can arise from being without teeth during the healing period.
  • Individuals seeking a smooth transition: By providing immediate tooth replacement, these dentures allow you to adapt to wearing dentures and adjust to speaking and eating with them more easily.

Key Factors in Determining Your Suitability for Immediate Dentures

Getting immediate dentures may be a viable solution, but not everyone may need them.  Let’s explore these factors in more detail:

1. The Need for Multiple Extractions

Individuals who require multiple teeth extractions are prime candidates for immediate dentures. Immediate dentures can provide a temporary solution while the gums and jawbone heal, allowing the individual to maintain their appearance and ability to eat and speak normally.

2. Good Oral Health

Oral health is crucial for immediate dentures. You need to have healthy gums, strong jawbones, and the absence of infection to qualify for immediate dentures. Your dentist may suggest fixing these conditions before getting immediate dentures.

3. Adequate Bone Support

A strong jawbone is necessary to support the immediate dentures. Before considering dentures, your dentist may propose bone grafting or other bone support therapies.

4. Realistic Expectations

Immediate dentures are a good option, but you should expect some discomfort compared to permanent dentures.  

5. Willingness to Follow Post-Extraction Care Instructions

Follow your dentist’s post-extraction care guidelines after tooth extraction and immediate dentures. Regular checkups, denture adjustments, and oral hygiene are examples. Following these steps will guarantee the best results for your immediate dentures.

What Are The Benefits of Immediate Dentures?

  • Enhanced aesthetics: Immediate dentures instantly restore your smile, allowing you to maintain your appearance and confidence throughout the healing process.
  • Functional support: Getting immediate dentures allows you to eat and speak comfortably after extraction. 
  • Protection for the extraction sites: Immediate dentures help protect the extraction sites, promote healing, and minimize bleeding and discomfort.
  • Time efficiency:  With immediate dentures, you don’t have to wait weeks or months to fill in the gaps. They solve the problem immediately, allowing you to go back to your routine. 

Proper Care for Immediate Dentures

Maintaining your immediate dentures ensures their durability, functionality, and dental health. Regular care keeps dentures clean, fresh, and in good condition.  Here are some essential tips for the proper care of immediate dentures:

Handle with Care

Avoid using excessive force or pressure when handling them to prevent bending or breakage.

Clean After Meals

After eating, remove your immediate dentures and rinse them thoroughly with water to remove any food particles or debris. Doing so helps prevent stains, plaque buildup, and the growth of bacteria.

Brush Daily

Clean your immediate dentures every day to remove plaque and discoloration. Use a soft-bristle denture brush or toothbrush to gently brush the dentures’ teeth, gums, and clasps. Abrasive toothpaste can harm dentures. Instead, use a moderate denture cleanser or a non-abrasive toothpaste.

Soak Overnight

Soak your immediate dentures in a denture-cleansing solution or water overnight to keep them moist and shapely. Dentures might twist or deform if you use hot water, so follow the denture cleanser’s directions.

Rinse Before Reinsertion

Rinse your immediate dentures before reinsertion to prevent getting harmful chemicals in your mouth.

Maintain Oral Hygiene

Even with immediate dentures, it is crucial to maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your gums, tongue, and natural teeth with a soft-bristle toothbrush twice daily. Doing so helps remove bacteria, stimulates circulation, and promotes good oral health.

Regular Dental Check-ups

Schedule regular check-ups with your dentist to monitor the fit and condition of your immediate dentures. Your dentist will make any necessary adjustments or relines to ensure they fit comfortably and securely. Regular dental visits also allow for the early detection of potential issues and help maintain oral health.

Avoid Damaging Agents

Certain substances can damage your immediate dentures, you have to avoid them. These include hot water, bleach, abrasive cleaners, and strong alcohol-based mouthwashes. In addition, avoid using sharp objects or excessive force to clean your dentures, as this can cause scratches or other damage.

Store Properly

When not wearing your immediate dentures, store them in a denture case filled with water or a denture-soaking solution. This prevents them from drying out, warping, or becoming misshapen. Keep the denture case away from children or pets.

Seek Professional Help

If you experience discomfort or sore spots, or if your immediate dentures become loose or ill-fitting, contact your dentist for professional assistance. Adjusting or repairing them yourself can lead to further complications or damage.

Experience the Exceptional Service of DentKits

If you’re a qualified candidate for immediate dentures, consider getting them from DentKits, the leading provider of custom-made dentures. Dentkits offers a convenient and affordable solution for individuals seeking to restore their smiles. With DentKits, you can receive high-quality dentures without the hassle of multiple visits to the dentist.

Why Choose DentKits?

  • Affordable Prices: DentKits offers premium dentures at a fraction of the cost of traditional dental offices.
  • Convenience: With DentKits, you can complete the entire process from the comfort of your own home. Simply order your kit, create a mold of your teeth, and send it back to receive your custom-made dentures.
  • Quality: DentKits uses only the highest-quality materials to create your dentures, ensuring a comfortable and natural-looking result.

Are You Ready to Restore Your Smile?

If you’re considering immediate dentures, why not choose the convenience and affordability of DentKits? Take the first step towards a new, confident smile by visiting our website and ordering your custom denture kit today.