What Should I Do On My First Day With Dentures?

Starting a new chapter with dentures can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. On your first day, taking it slow, being patient with yourself, and following a few important steps to ensure a smooth transition is important. This blog post will discuss what you should do on your first day with dentures, including tips for adjusting to the feel, cleaning and caring for your dentures, and more. You’ll be on your way to a comfortable and confident new smile with the right approach and care.

What to Do On Your First Day With Dentures

Starting with a set of dentures can be a daunting experience, especially if you need guidance on what to expect. But no matter how overwhelming it may seem, simply taking the first step and preparing to wear your prosthetic teeth can be one of the best decisions you ever make! To get the most out of your new dentures and make things easier in the long run, you should do a few key steps on the first day. 

Practice speaking

On the first day with dentures, many people find that their speech is a little different than it used to be. The good news is that you don’t have to worry about having a permanent lisp! Practice speaking aloud to get comfortable with your new dentures. Reading out loud can also help you adjust more quickly. Take the time now to try a few tongue twisters or even practice reciting a monologue to ensure that your diction remains top-notch. With regular practice, it won’t be long before you’ve adjusted back to normal, and you won’t have any qualms when speaking publicly!

Get used to eating

Eating with dentures for the first time can be a daunting experience. The good news is that it is also manageable. Start by walking before you run: start with softer, small foods that won’t require too much chewing. Choosing nutritious options like applesauce or pudding will help you get used to eating again without putting too much stress on your mouth. Gradually build up to harder foods as you become comfortable with your dentures and eating. Before long, you’ll be eating all of your favorite meals with ease.

Adjust the fit

After getting dentures, it can be overwhelming to think about what comes next in the journey with your new teeth. On the first day, you’ll want to get used to their feeling in your mouth and adjust the fit so they don’t impede your speech or ability to eat comfortably. If adjustments are needed, speak to dental professionals, like DentKits, or your dentist or prosthodontist who fitted the dentures – they’ll be able to help add extra padding or take away somewhere necessary and advise any further steps needed. The fitting should continue over a period of time as you adjust to wearing them whenever possible for eating, drinking, and speaking until you feel comfortable and move forward happily with a new set of teeth!

Clean your dentures

Taking care of your dentures is one of the most important steps to ensure they last. On your first day with them, getting into a regular maintenance routine is a good idea. That includes brushing and soaking, just like you did with your natural teeth. Start by using a soft-bristled toothbrush or a denture brush and non-abrasive cleaning solutions specifically designed for dentures. Cleaning after eating helps remove food particles and plaque. Avoid using abrasive cleaners because they can damage dentures and leave scratches where bacteria can easily build up. It may sound counterintuitive, but spending extra time taking care of your new dental prosthetics pays off, especially on the first day!

Take it slow

Adjusting to dentures can be a transition, so when you get your new set, it’s important to take things slow and give yourself time to adjust. Start by gradually working up to eating more difficult foods to train your mouth muscles on the little things before moving on to bigger meals. Chewing gum is an ideal way to gently introduce yourself to hard and sticky food like apples and caramel – giving yourself time to learn how much you can chew without worrying about causing harm. Keeping your dentist in the loop during the first few months is also recommended, helping ensure everything is going according to plan. With an open dialogue with your specialist, getting used to dentures can be an enjoyable experience!

Get plenty of rest

Remember to practice self-care on your first day with new dentures. While it’s tempting to stay out late celebrating your new mouth and all the possibilities that come with it, it’s better to take it easy and rest. This isn’t a time for pushing boundaries – instead, think of your first day as an exercise to adjust to your new false teeth. Creating a relaxed schedule can help ease the transition, allowing you to get used to your dentures at a comfortable pace each day. A little preparation beforehand and careful tending after can go a long way in helping you become accustomed to your newfound pearly whites.

Seek support

Starting with dentures can be intimidating, and feeling lost is normal. To support you in transitioning to new dentures, seek reliable sources, such as DentKits. Friends and family who have gone through the same thing are great people to start with; however, seeing your dentist or speaking with other professionals, such as a trained dental assistant, can also provide assistance in making a smooth switch to life with dentures. Apart from that, finding an online community of other denture wearers might foster deeper understanding and create a place where people can share their experiences with dentures. Remember, do not be afraid to reach out for help on your journey – it is often one of the most important things you will do when learning how best to care for your new smile!

How Long Does It Take To Adjust To New Dentures?

Adjusting to new dentures can take time and patience. Every person’s experience is unique, and the amount of time it takes to adjust to new dentures varies from person to person. It may take about 30 days to get fully used to your new dentures. During this adjustment period, it’s normal to experience discomfort, difficulty speaking or eating, and a general feeling of awkwardness. However, with time and practice, you will become more comfortable with your dentures, and you will be able to speak, eat, and smile confidently.

Common Issues That Can Arise When Wearing Dentures And How To Address Them

Wearing dentures can be a great solution for those who have lost some or all of their natural teeth, but it can also come with some common issues. Some of these include:

  • Sore spots: Wearing dentures for extended periods can cause irritation to the gums, leading to sore spots. This can be addressed using a denture liner or a soft wax to cover the affected area.
  • Slipping or shifting: Dentures that don’t fit properly can slip or shift when speaking or eating. This can be prevented by using denture adhesive or visiting the dentist for a proper fitting.
  • Difficulty eating: Wearing dentures may make it difficult to chew certain foods. This can be improved by cutting food into smaller pieces or avoiding hard or chewy foods.
  • Staining: Dentures can become stained over time due to food and drink. To avoid this, it is recommended to clean dentures daily using mild soap and water.
  • Odor: Improper cleaning of dentures can lead to an unpleasant odor. To prevent this, cleaning dentures daily and soaking them in a denture cleaner overnight is important.


Your first day with dentures can be an exciting and overwhelming experience, but with the right preparation and care, you can ensure a successful transition. At DentKits, we understand that starting with dentures can be a big change, which is why we are here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule an appointment, and we will work with you to ensure that your transition to wearing dentures is as smooth and successful as possible.