How Long Does It Take For Dentures To Feel Normal? Speech, Fit & More

Dentures are a common solution for missing teeth and can greatly improve a person’s quality of life. However, it’s normal to feel uncomfortable or self-conscious in the beginning. Getting used to dentures can take some time, but with proper care and patience, most people can adapt within a few weeks to a few months. 

In this post, we will discuss what to expect after getting dentures and give tips on making the transition period as smooth as possible. Whether you’re a new denture wearer or have recently upgraded to a new set, this guide will provide valuable information to help you feel confident and comfortable with your new smile.

How Long Does It Take For Dentures To Feel Normal? 

Getting used to dentures can take some time, but with patience and proper care, most people can adjust within a few weeks to 1 month. The length of time it takes for dentures to feel normal varies from person to person. It depends on several factors, such as the type of dentures, the person’s overall oral health, and their previous experience with dentures. Denture wearers may initially experience discomforts, such as sore spots or difficulty speaking and eating, but these symptoms should subside as they become more comfortable with their dentures. 

It’s important to give your mouth time to adjust to the new dentures and to avoid making sudden changes or alterations. Regular visits to your dentist for check-ups and adjustments can also help ensure a smooth transition. Dentures can become a comfortable and functional part of everyday life with time and patience, allowing you to smile, eat, and speak confidently.

What To Do After Getting Your Dentures

After getting your dentures, it’s important to follow some important steps to ensure you get the most out of your new teeth. Firstly, it’s important to establish a routine of cleaning and maintenance to keep your dentures in good condition. This includes brushing them daily and soaking them overnight in a special solution to keep them free of bacteria and plaque. 

Additionally, you may need to make some lifestyle changes to get used to your new dentures, such as cutting your food into smaller pieces, avoiding certain foods and drinks, and speaking clearly to avoid slippage. Regular visits to your dentist for check-ups and adjustments can also help ensure a smooth transition. It’s also important to be patient and give your mouth time to adjust to the new dentures. 

Common Experiences During The Transition To Wearing Dentures

Transitioning to wearing dentures can be challenging for some people, but it’s important to remember that it’s normal to experience some discomfort or difficulty in the beginning. Some common experiences during the transition period include: feeling self-conscious, experiencing sore spots, having difficulty speaking and eating, and feeling as if the dentures don’t fit properly. However, these symptoms should subside as the mouth adjusts to the new dentures and the wearer becomes more comfortable. In some cases, denture wearers may need to make some lifestyle changes, such as avoiding certain foods and drinks.

How To Make Dentures Feel More Comfortable

Making dentures feel more comfortable is a process that requires patience and some simple steps. Firstly, it’s important to establish a regular cleaning and maintenance routine to keep your dentures in good condition. This includes brushing them daily and soaking them overnight in a special solution to keep them free of bacteria and plaque. If you experience sore spots, try using a denture liner or a soft denture adhesive to relieve discomfort. 

It’s also important to be mindful of your diet and avoid certain foods and drinks that can irritate your mouth. Regular consultations with a dental professional, like DentKits, for check-ups and adjustments, can help ensure a proper fit and prevent discomfort. If you’re having trouble speaking or eating, try practicing speaking out loud and try soft foods that are easy to chew. With time and patience, your mouth will adjust to your dentures, and they will become more comfortable and functional. 

The Role Of Dental Appointments In The Process Of Adjusting To Dentures

Dental appointments play a crucial role in the process of adjusting to dentures. Regular check-ups and adjustments with dental professionals, such as DentKits, can help ensure a proper fit, prevent discomfort, and provide you with valuable tips and advice on how to make the transition period as smooth as possible. During your appointments, your dentist will examine your dentures and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable fit. They may also make recommendations for products, such as denture liners or adhesives, to relieve discomfort. 

Additionally, your dentist will monitor the health of your gums and the fit of your dentures to ensure that they are not causing any issues. Regular appointments can also help prevent complications, such as infections or oral health problems, resulting from wearing dentures. It’s important to attend all your scheduled appointments and let your dentist know if you experience any issues or concerns. By working closely with your dentist, you can make the transition to wearing dentures a positive and successful experience.

Tips For Improving Speech With Dentures

Here are some tips for improving speech with dentures:

  • Practice speaking out loud regularly: Speak in front of a mirror or quiet room to help you get comfortable with your dentures and improve your speech.
  • Slow down: Take your time when speaking, especially when you’re first getting used to your dentures.
  • Pronounce words clearly: Focus on pronouncing words clearly and deliberately, especially consonants.
  • Avoid certain foods and drinks: Certain foods and drinks can make your dentures slip, causing difficulties with speech. Avoid these until you’re more comfortable with your dentures.
  • Use a denture adhesive: A denture adhesive can help keep your dentures in place and reduce slippage, making it easier to speak clearly.
  • Consult a speech therapist: If you’re having significant trouble with speech, consider seeing a speech therapist who can provide you with specialized techniques and exercises to help improve your speech with dentures.
  • Visit your dentist: Regular visits for check-ups and adjustments can help ensure a proper fit and prevent discomfort, which can affect your speech.

By following these tips and working closely with your dentist, you can improve your speech with dentures and regain confidence in your communication skills.

Wrapping Up

Whether you’re a first-time denture wearing or have been sporting a set for years, it’s important to take good care of your investment. Although getting used to how they feel initially may take some time, proper fit and cleaning habits will help make your dentures feel more like a part of you in no time. And if you have any questions or concerns about your smile, don’t hesitate to contact DentKits – we’re always here to help keep your smile looking its best!